
Monday, March 5, 2012


 Why do men cheat on their wives? Surprisingly 92% of men say it is not primary about sex. The majority of cheating men says it is an emotional disconnection. They feel under appreciated, they feel lack of thoughtful gestures and they feel like they do not get the attention that they need from their wife. If they do not feel appreciated they start to feel insecure about them selves.
If somebody else, another woman, are willing to make him feel good about him self, make him feel appreciated, admired and valuable, make him feel like he is the best person in the world there is a risk that man will start a relationship with this other woman. We have this "picture" of men being strong and not very emotional; men are in fact very emotional beings.
 The number one reason why do men cheat on their wives;
1. Emotional disconnection from their wife.
Men loves to win, if you watch them at a football game they are excited as long as their team are winning, they are happy, cheerful and positive. If they are losing, if it is a blow out and they feel like they can not win they will leave or turn the TV off. It is similar in a relationship if they feel like they can not win with you, if they feel they can not make you happy, if they feel like they do not do anything right they turn off. The more we give the more we will get in return. So if he tries to make dinner but burn the burgers, appreciate him for the effort. Let him feel like he is winning.
Now, do not get me wrong, it is never your fault if your husband cheats. Cheating is wrong and it is a decision he has to make, he has to make a choice at one point, if he is going to cross the line or not. This just answer the question: Why do men cheat on their wives?
If you suspect him cheating do not sit around and wait for him to come and tell you. Only 7% of husbands tell their wives about the affair before being caught. So if you suspect him cheating you need to find out the truth yourself and catch him doing it.
Every husband is different and there are more answers to the question: Why do men cheat on their wives?

Self Gratification - There are many men that need to fulfill their narcissistic nature by selfishly stepping out on their relationship in order to meet their personal needs.  I actually had a friend that had an insatiable sexual desire and in his words, “his wife would never be able to satisfy those needs!”  Sounds crazy, but true story!
 Think they are not hurting anyone - Not hurting anyone!  I know, I know, but it’s the way a lot of men think. If their wife doesn’t find out about it, then it’s not hurting her.  Well, what most men that keep up their cheating ways find out is that the truth usually comes to light at some point.  And guess who always gets hurt?
 Unhappy in Marriage – A marriage is a mutual agreement between two people and the truth is sometimes that agreement is not upheld and things start to be taken for granted.  In the case where the wife stops doing the little things and takes her husband for granted, a husband may attach himself to someone else willing to give him that attention we all need. It’s not right, but it is how it happens!
 Peer Pressure – Many men like to convey a macho image around their friends, and their usually is that one friend that outs that pressure on a man to “pursue” that that co-worker that is showing interest! Surprisingly enough, so many men crumble to that “manly” pressure that’s that! Shameful, but once again true!
 Opportunity – It has been stated that the better looking your man is, the more likely he is to cheat at some point.  Why? Well, the more times he is confronted with the temptation, the more chances he has to cheat.  Its simple math, so combine all the factors above with so many opportunities, and sometimes that perfect storm comes along and crumbles even the strongest will.
Here are some of the reasons that bring about this unfortunate situation.

1. Marital upheavals
There is hardly any marriage that does not have its own ups and downs – it just the intensity that differs. It will be easier for a man to go astray during those low times in a relationship. Many men, some of who would never even imagine of cheating under normal circumstances, will be very vulnerable during those times when things are not going well between them and their wives. Although the low moments are inevitable, you should strive to minimize their occurrence and make them last for the shortest time possible.

2. Communication breakdown
No relationship will thrive when there is barely any communication between the partners. If you want to maintain the emotional bond between you, you should ensure that you talk with your partner, not just to him. There are very many things to talk about, including your plans and the dreams you share. Discuss all issues that relate to your family. When there is a communication breakdown in your marriage, it will be easier for your husband to go astray and start a relationship with another woman.
 3. Complacency
You will hardly see a woman who takes herself for granted during the early days of building a relationship. However, as you get used to each other in a relationship, you can easily take many things for granted. If you fall into the rut of everyday activities and you do not seem to give your husband as much attention as you used to, you will leave room for other interested women.
Can you remember when you made an effort to look great just for him? Do you try to see that he gets his favorite meals in the way that he likes them? If you no longer engage in things that make your husband happy, he will not be interested in spending time in your company. Ensure that your husband enjoys your company and he will not look at another woman.
 4. Problems in your sex lives
Sexual issue does not just have to do with its lack in the marriage. It may as well be that he is interested in more sex than you are willing to give him. It could also be that he would like to spice things up instead of the same method all the time. You should be free to discuss such issues with him and explore reasonable ones together. Otherwise he may try to find someone with whom to experiment.


  1. mmmmh hapa hamna formula ya kucheat ni automatically cheaters wanacreate kucheat lakini no reason behind ni uhuni wao tu! ata muwape km dose hawaridhiki wahuni

  2. they always likes new test thats the problem
